All you need to do is take this code and put it somewhere in ${DIA_SHARE_FOLDER}/python/ (where DIA_SHARE_FOLDER is generally /usr/share/dia), add an import re at the beginning of that file and this:
dia.register_export ("PyDia Code Generation (Django)",
"py", DjangoRenderer())
at the very end (together with the other generators).
The code is:
class DjangoRenderer(ObjRenderer) : mapp = {"Datetime" : "DateTime"} def __init__(self) : ObjRenderer.__init__(self) self.processed_kls = set([]) def end_render(self) : re_foreign = re.compile(r"[cC]lass\s*(.*).*") field_str = "\t%s = models.%sField(%s) %s\n" foreign_str = "\t%s = models.ForeignKey('%s'%s) %s\n" f = open(self.filename, "w") f.write("from django.db import models %s" % ("\n" * 3)) for sk in self.klasses.keys() : parents = self.klasses[sk].parents + self.klasses[sk].templates f.write ("class %s (models.Model):\n" % (sk,)) kls_attributes = dict(self.klasses[sk].attributes) attributes = kls_attributes.keys() if attributes.__len__() == 0: f.write("\tpass\n\n") else: for sa in attributes : comments = "" attr = kls_attributes[sa] value = attr[2] == "" and "None" or attr[2] comments = attr[3] if attr[3]: comments = "#%s" % attr[3].replace('\n', ' ') try: ty, parms = [x.strip() for x in attr[0].split("|")] except ValueError: ty, parms = (attr[0], "") mobj = re_foreign.match(ty) if mobj: foreign_obj = mobj.groups()[0] f.write(foreign_str % (sa, foreign_obj,
parms, comments)) else: ty = ty.capitalize() ty = self.mapp.get(ty, ty) f.write(field_str % (sa, ty, parms, comments)) else: f.write("\n" * 2) f.close() ObjRenderer.end_render(self)
Now. The only thing to take into consideration is, when designing in DIA, you have to be a bit more specific in the Type of properties of your classes.
For instance. If you want a property to be of type string, you should specify it as:
Char | max_length=200, null=True.
This tells the exporter that it should construct a
models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)
If you want to specify a ForeignKey, the type should be:
Class SomeClassor if you have options (like related_name), this should be:
Class SomeClass | related_name=some.
Hope this serves you somehow. - -